Transponder key Duplication

About the product
What is a Transponder Key?
Most cars manufactured in the past 20 years have transponder keys as part of their anti-theft security measures. Remote keys are also used with keyless entry systems for homes, gates and garage door remote openers.

Transponder devices use microchips to transmit a low-level signal from a key that is read by a remote receiver. The microchip is programmed by the manufacturer with a unique serial number. Using RFID (radio frequency identification), the receiver must detect the correct serial number in order to unlock or open. Similar to key fobs, transponder keys are often used with car locks and home security systems, as well as to open gates and garage doors.

In the case of transponder keys for cars, when the key is inserted, the signal is sent to the receiver located near the ignition. If the digital serial number in the transponder matches the one programmed in the car, it will start when the driver turns the key.

Why Are Transponder Keys More Secure?
Transponders keys provide a higher level of security for vehicles in two ways. They help deter and prevent car theft by rendering ‘hot wiring’ or breaking the ignition lock ineffective. If the car doesn’t detect the key’s microchip or the exact serial number, it won’t start. Where a traditional ignition key only has a few standard cut combination, a transponder key’s digital ID is virtually unique.

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