Green fodder machine

About the product
Green fodder to produce green fodder for your cow. Pig or goat horse
Grass fodder is used as an animal feed and can be produced in great numbers within 12 days from seed to grass for all livestock. Various varieties of grass fodder include, but are not limited to, barley, rice grass, corn grass, oat grass, lucerne grass, rye grass or whatever grass one wishes to grow in ones country. Growing grass fodder hydroponically is now becoming popular in drought prone areas.

Australia, Canada, Africa and Thailand & USA have been making this grass fodder for quite a number of years now and the USA sell systems on the back of trucks or in shipping containers & in India they use large glassed front coke fridges to sprout so theres many ways one can start the seed raising if they want to without buying expensive system setups.

We have a system to help the small hobby farmer in tropical countries but we specialize in large commercial grass fodder production on a big scale mainly

The system itself only needs one person to run it so the cost to maintain labor is minimal. If one has an adequate water supply then you have no worries with water your main source.
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