Call Trace System(CTS) Solution

Call Trace System(CTS) Solution
About the product
CTS (Call Trace System) is an end-to-end signaling trace tool based on subscribers, which is featured with network synchronization evolution ability, it fully supports GSM,UMTS,LTE/EPC and IMS network, CTS is a one-stop solution that provides signaling trace, signaling analysis, and fault localization functions.

NetNumenTM CTS can be deployed to meet the carriers’ urgent needs of centralized signaling trace and analysis. It helps carriers to improve work efficiency, streamline O&M flows, and lower O&M costs while remarkably improving the satisfaction and loyalty of customers.


E2E, Cross-domain Signaling Trace for a Specific Subscriber

Domestic applications: Smart Telecom and Globe Telecom
Overseas applications: AIS, TELENOR, Tiscale, VIBO, and CSL.
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