Review of Foster Foods, Inc.

I applied to them 2 months before we finish both of my poulry building. They sent a representative, he gave all the documents w/c I gladly signed and sent it back to them. A month before we finished construction Foster's rep talked to me and scheduled my loading on the 28th (tuesday) of May 2013. He asked me if I can deposit my cash bond friday before that. I prompty did and have my poultry farm ready and disinfected as Foster's rep recommended it.
Friday night (May 24th) I was informed thru a text message that my loading was moved on June 4th (tuesday) instead. His excuse was, his area manager wants to inspect the building. I waited and met Foster's area manager and he's happy about the building design and location. Then again friday night (may 31st.) I got a text message that my loading will not be on schedule and it will be pending prior to their manager's personal visit. They scheduled the visit on wednesday (june 5th) I met him in person and he looked at my building and I was advised that my poultry volume will be based on an industry standard of 1 sq.ft. per bird ratio.
I agreed and the manager told me that I will be informed of my definite loading schedule the next day. I waited the next day and even sent them a message but there were no reply. Only until June 7th (friday) after sending a couple of messages they texted me that they will no longer load me and they will return my cash bond.
After commiting to Foster a couple of months and with all the delays and cost that I spent to follow their requirements then they just cancel it.
Foster's reps should be professional enough to tell me at least in person or thru phone that they will no longer load my poultry.
I spent money following their recommendation, they delayed my loading for 2 weeks and then what they just cancel it for an excuse that other poultry doesn not perform. How can say that to me and conclude that I will be the same w/o trying or giving me a chance. So now who's going to pay for all the delays and expenses that I put up just to follow their grower guidelines?
They were so inconsiderate and unprofessional.
Foster's rep, represents the company and if Foster representative are inconsiderate and unprofessional they should stop doing business.

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