
About the product
DELMIA ( Digital Manufacturing) provides solutions to leverage the virtual world of modeling and simulation with the real world of operations to provide a complete solution to value network stakeholders: From suppliers, to manufacturers, to logistics and transportation providers, to service operators and workforces.

DELMIA solutions provide the capabilities to solve and address some of the challenges facing High Tech manufacturing such as product variants, demand variability, shorten product development lifecycles, supply chain network complexity, and shrinking margins by improving quality and yield.

Highly Flexible Manufacturing
DELMIA contributes to the Highly Flexible Manufacturing experience withe business processes:

Collaborative Operations
Lean Operational Management
Industrial Engineering
Assembly Process Engineering & Virtual Build
Planning & Optimization
S&OP - Demand Planning
S&OP - Supply Planning
Master Production Scheduling
Production Scheduling
Manufacturing & Operations
Warehouse Management
Line Supply Management
Production Execution
Production Quality Management
Supply Network Visibility & Quality
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