Hyoscine N Butylbromide 20mg/ml Ampoule (Spasmoson)

About the product
Hyoscine is used to treat a number of problems.
It is a direct relaxant of smooth muscle, such as is found in the gut (intestine) and bladder and/or tubes leading to the outside (the genito-urinary tract), and is sometimes known as an antispasmodic, antimuscarinic or anticholinergic drug.
It is used to relieve cramps in the stomach, intestine and genito-urinary tract, and other conditions characterised by spasm of the smooth muscles found in these areas.
In general this drug is used to manage the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, a common intestinal condition which causes spasm and pain in the intestine, as well as stomach pain, persistent diarrhoea (sometimes alternating with periods of constipation) and wind (flatulence). Other uses include treatment of spasms in the genito-urinary tract. Injections of hyoscine are also used to prevent muscle spasm during diagnostic procedures (such as inserting an endoscope down the gullet) or for the treatment of short-term spasms of the gall bladder (biliary colic) or the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder, called the ureter (renal colic).
Benefits of being on this drug include reducing the painful and troublesome symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
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