Charming Cambodia Tour Package

About the product
Are you game for a holiday to an extraordinary destination for an extraordinary experience? If yes, Cambodia is ‘it’ for you this time. A multi-cultural ethnicity, Cambodia is an unforgettable destination, rich in history, culture and natural beauty. Taking you to Phnom Penh to enjoy Tuol Sleng and excursion to the Killing Fields; and Siem Reap for a visit to Angkor Thom and Preah Khan, this trip is your ticket to an exciting discovery lane. What’s more? Taking you further to Angkor, capture pictures to your heart’s content as you visit Angkor Wat, Banteay Samre, Banteay Srei Temple, Prasat Kravan, Sras Srang, Ta Prohm, Ta Keo, Chau Say and Thommanon. With so much to see, this holiday is for the enthusiastic few. Are you one of those?

3Days/2Nights Pnom Penh

3Days/2Nights Siem Reap

Siem Reap+ Pnom Penh
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