Rescue Them All

About the product
Human trafficking is the illegal buying and selling of men, women, and children for reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, organ harvesting, or simply modern-day slavery. While it can be difficult to measure such a clandestine industry, there are an estimated 27 million people in the world who are victims today.
Here are a few ways to end human human trafficking:
1. Pray! Ask the Lord to show you what you can do to be a voice for those in bondage. Pray for the victims: men, women, and children. Pray for the salvation of perpetrators, traffickers, and pimps. Pray that brothels and schemes would be exposed and brought to the light. Pray for the law enforcement , judges, lawyers and investigative agencies to do what is right in the sight of God.
2. Be a voice! Share with those around you about trafficking. Help bring awareness to the Church and call her to action. Be an advocate for organizations that are actively working for a solution. Call on your local government to take further action against trafficking.
3. Partner with Hope For All Children or other ministries who desire to see children's lives restored. This worldwide issue requires that the Body of Christ fights together!
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