Review of Red Crab Group of Restaurants

From the point of view of the dining public, nothing derogatory can be read or heard against the Red Crab Group of Restaurant. However, from the point of view of the suppliers providing its day to day restaurant needs, collection date, which the red crab purchasing people themselves stipulated at two weeks from the date of delivery, to say that that day is hellish, is an understatement. For a starter, company agents/representative out to collect checks from red crab are made to wait for hours, at times daylong, in a simmering summer heat, sitting in seats that have seen better days, and smelling the odor of meat, fish and other supplies being loaded/unloaded. What is worse, when you get your check, it is postdated by another three (3) weeks, making collection at more than a month from delivery. But what really convince me that doing business is sooo bad in that part of Quezon City, is that when the date finally arrived to encash the check, the teller would tell you that: 1) the middle initial of the signatory of the check is wrong, 2) the stroke of the signature is a little long, and so on and so forth. But here's what takes the cake. When the bank verifies it with Red Crab, the bank will be advised not to good the check, and that they will just replaced the check. And alas, to my horror of horrors, they indeed replaced the check, post dated by another two (2) weeks!!! And by the way, I'm thinking of charging them in court...

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