Review "My Lost Phone"

"My Lost Phone"
My Bf and I eat in Wendy's Boni Branch of Buy 1 Take 1 Frosty around 10:10 in the evening of April 30, 2019 because we're waiting for our friend's car who will fetch us. And they came around 10:22 in the evening I just read their message that they have arrived. That's why we hurry up immediately to get in the car, the reason that I forgot my cellphone in the table to the left side of the guard if you are coming to entrance. And we just call to the phone of Boni Branch to checked if they saw my cellphone or if their is someone surrendered my phone but they said nothing. That's why we request if they can check their CCTV camera and they said that they need to have a permission to the head. Mon We didn't stop anywhere else. And we just wanted to see the CCTV footage but the manager said that we need to get a Police Report to be able to see the CCTV footage. I just request for the immediate investigation regarding to my matters. I just only want a closure if it is true that their is no cellphone or if their is someone who get my cellphone. Thank you for understanding.

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