My Reviews

Review for:
FoodPanda - Head Office, Food Panda Hotline

Food Panda Sucks!
I contacted Wendy’s hotline to order food. The agent said if there are no riders available, Food Panda will deliver.

After a while, I receive a text from food panda confirming my order and a tracking details. I kept looking at the tracking page but the motorbike never ever moved.

After few minutes, a lady contacted me saying she is already at the gate to del my food. She said she is from Food Panda. I went to the gate to get my order but I was surprised there were 2 ladies on a motorbike (which is not allowed because of pandemic). They were not wearing the food panda uniform and there is NO FOOD PANDA BOX behind the motorbike. 1 lady is driving the motorbike and the other lady was holding my order with her bare hands. Ther were not even ready with my change. And it took a while before the trk page updated as delivered. How did that ever happen? We did not even eat that food

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